What took place during the subsequent sessions with our producer….  (more…)

Our producer dropped in on us Friday evening and this happened….  (more…)

Initial Pre-Prod Sessions With Our New Producer — strategic planning, repertoire selection, and trying to get a working DAW up and running… (more…)

Since our new producer was scheduled to come over the next day to commence the pre-production process for the new album, I wanted to hit the ground running and was successful in getting Chi to sit down at the kitchen table in a seemingly reasonable frame of mind with pen, paper and a list of rock-like Panache pieces to draw from as an initial planning stage for the new album that was to feature our rock repertoire.  As I fully expected, it was quite an ordeal.    (more…)

Is this the end?   (more…)

“Special Edition” post summing up Brenda’s experience working through “Music Success in Nine Weeks” by Ariel Hyatt.   (more…)

How do you brand an original musical project that defies branding?   (more…)